To be honest I was thinking more bare-bones style! Like these Speccy interfaces.
Okay, I read again in the hungarian topic, and I see that the IDE controller is an EXDOS extension.
So how I see, there is the EXDOS, which is the already done, de facto EP disk standard, and it has an EXOS device interface towards the EXOS ( DISK: ), and has a FAT12 implementation, and an other extendable device interface inside itself, handling different hardware devices.
This DISK: device can be the default device to EXOS, and file access will be done through EXDOS in this situation. (Without explicit device specification, like ""
So when a storage device is such an EXDOS extension, then it will capable of everything what EXDOS can do. It is good, because we have FAT12 filesystem, and every function what is implemented in EXDOS on the new device, immediately. It has drawbacks too, like FAT12 has many limitations, such the little partition size, and so on.
The second choice would be a different EXOS device, like TAPE: or DISK:, in this case we are not bound anymore to EXDOS, FAT12 or anything, but we have nothing from the already implemented features, too. So your SD device would be named SAINT:, and you will have to write every function from scratch, which handle files or filesystems on it, and offers the files to EXOS on a file access. In this case the default device could be SAINT:, and file access would go through the SAINT: device.
So it is, what I think I know. I do not understand what more bare-bones style that speccy interface works, and how could that style work with EP and/or EXOS.