The "lot of programs" disk image updated.-START file and Bricky Prise updated to mouse version
-Runner game from Endi
-Core and Kscope demos from g0blinish
-because out of free space on Demo partition then the Interlace slideshow 2 moved to Media partition
-the missing Christmas slideshow added to demos (Christmas is coming soon
-lot of free space on Util partition then added there the missing Interlace slideshow 3
-added to PT3 collection 3 music which is used in Lirus
Most important: SymbOS updated to latest, it is fully support the EnterMice mouse (both buttun and wheel are working), and now can play music on Enterprise
There are 4 INI files, with .SD extensions for a normal size SD card, the .MSD extensions for Micro SD and emulator.
Named as SYMBOS for standard 128K machines, SYMEXT for expanded machines, theres is a desktop background image, and enabled the Extended Desktop. Which is right for your configuration then needed to copy as SYMBOS.INI. Default are SYMEXT.MSD: Micro SD/emulator, with expanded machine.
Music added to SYMBOS-2 (G:) partition.