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Author Topic: SD card interface (Read 332589 times)

Offline Sdw

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #390 on: 2016.November.24. 16:04:53 »
I must begin by apologizing if some of the information I am asking about is already mentioned in the thread, 27 pages was a bit too much to read through!

I am currently developing a game for the next EnterpriseDev-compo, and I really need to find a better solution to test my stuff on real HW than making a TAP-file and loading via PC.
If I understand correctly, with this SD-card solution, I could just copy the .COM files from PC to a SD card, pop that into the interface and then the program would be able to load almost instantly on the Enterprise, which would be a big step forward compared to tape-loading times of over a minute.

Some questions:
* Do I need anything else to get it working? Ie. do I need one of those EXDOS things as well, or does this handle everything?
* What is the cost of the SD card interface?
* How do I sign up on the preorder list?
And finally, and perhaps hardest to answer:
* Is there a chance to get one in a reasonable timeframe (ie. in a couple of months time, so I have time to put it to use before the compo deadlie in May)

Offline geco

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #391 on: 2016.November.24. 16:15:34 »
Some questions:
* Do I need anything else to get it working? Ie. do I need one of those EXDOS things as well, or does this handle everything?
* What is the cost of the SD card interface?
* How do I sign up on the preorder list?
And finally, and perhaps hardest to answer:
* Is there a chance to get one in a reasonable timeframe (ie. in a couple of months time, so I have time to put it to use before the compo deadlie in May)
If i know well, you do not need anything else, just the adapter with the latest SDEXT ROM, and an SDCARD :)
I do not know exactly, 50-100 Euro
Please write a mail to Szörg, if he says that you should wait too much time, you can ask him to give you mine adapter which will be ready sooner i guess. I will send his mail address in PM.

Offline geco

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #392 on: 2016.November.24. 16:20:51 »
I am currently developing a game for the next EnterpriseDev-compo, and I really need to find a better solution to test my stuff on real HW than making a TAP-file and loading via PC.
If I understand correctly, with this SD-card solution, I could just copy the .COM files from PC to a SD card, pop that into the interface and then the program would be able to load almost instantly on the Enterprise, which would be a big step forward compared to tape-loading times of over a minute.
EP128emu is very good, I do not remember that we had any program which ran on EP128emu, and did not run on real HW (except one which was written by IstvánV and used undocumented dave trick for timing), so testing on real hw is enough at the end of development normally :)
Yes, you just have to drop the files into your SDCARD, and you can load it on a real EP.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #393 on: 2016.November.24. 16:23:03 »
If I understand correctly, with this SD-card solution, I could just copy the .COM files from PC to a SD card, pop that into the interface and then the program would be able to load almost instantly on the Enterprise

* Do I need anything else to get it working?

* What is the cost of the SD card interface?
* How do I sign up on the preorder list?
And finally, and perhaps hardest to answer:
* Is there a chance to get one in a reasonable timeframe (ie. in a couple of months time, so I have time to put it to use before the compo deadlie in May)
Ask SzörG.

Offline Sdw

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #394 on: 2016.November.24. 16:30:12 »
If i know well, you do not need anything else, just the adapter with the latest SDEXT ROM, and an SDCARD :)
I do not know exactly, 50-100 Euro
Please write a mail to Szörg, if he says that you should wait too much time, you can ask him to give you mine adapter which will be ready sooner i guess. I will send his mail address in PM.

Thank you for the information (and the very kind offer to let me take your queue spot if things take too long time)!
I have written a mail, and will see what he says.

EP128emu is very good, I do not remember that we had any program which ran on EP128emu, and did not run on real HW (except one which was written by IstvánV and used undocumented dave trick for timing), so testing on real hw is enough at the end of development normally :)
Yes, you just have to drop the files into your SDCARD, and you can load it on a real EP.

Yeah, that is my experience as well, I don't think I ever had anything that worked in emu not work on real HW during the development of "First Contact".
Still, I usually test on real HW every day I have done some developing, things tend to look a bit different on a real CRT-TV compared to on a PC screen in emulator (colors/brightness etc.) and also things move smoother with a real perfect 50Hz sync that you don't get on emu.
Also, for me, seeing things work on real hardware always feels better than an emulator window! :)

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #395 on: 2016.November.24. 16:38:46 »
Also, for me, seeing things work on real hardware always feels better than an emulator window! :)

Offline IstvanV

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #396 on: 2016.November.24. 18:45:08 »
and also things move smoother with a real perfect 50Hz sync that you don't get on emu.

It depends on whether you have a 50 or 100 Hz monitor. :) Although even then it is not exactly the same frequency, it works well in the double buffered mode.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #397 on: 2016.December.02. 10:00:09 »
The "lot of programs" disk image updated.
-START file and Bricky Prise updated to mouse version
-Runner game from Endi
-Core and Kscope demos from g0blinish
-because out of free space on Demo partition then the Interlace slideshow 2 moved to Media partition
-the missing Christmas slideshow added to demos (Christmas is coming soon :-) )
-lot of free space on Util partition then added there the missing Interlace slideshow 3 :-)
-added to PT3 collection 3 music which is used in Lirus

Most important: SymbOS updated to latest, it is fully support the EnterMice mouse (both buttun and wheel are working), and now can play music on Enterprise
There are 4 INI files, with .SD extensions for a normal size SD card, the .MSD extensions for Micro SD and emulator.
Named as SYMBOS for standard 128K machines, SYMEXT for expanded machines, theres is a desktop background image, and enabled the Extended Desktop. Which is right for your configuration then needed to copy as SYMBOS.INI. Default are SYMEXT.MSD: Micro SD/emulator, with expanded machine.
Music added to SYMBOS-2 (G:) partition.

Offline sinclair200

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #398 on: 2016.December.16. 14:44:21 »
Waiting for the SzörG adapter I already have the casing made in 3D......


Offline Povi

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #399 on: 2016.December.16. 15:30:31 »

a nice sticker would be great on the box of the SD-reader! :-)
*** Speicherplatz zu klein

Offline geco

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #400 on: 2016.December.16. 16:20:50 »
Cool, like an original EP64 Basic cartridge, congrat :)

Offline gflorez

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #401 on: 2016.December.16. 18:44:58 »
He owns a 128, not a 64. the sticker is made by himself from a scan he found on Internet.

I got from him two of them for my cartridges.

Offline sinclair200

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #402 on: 2016.December.16. 19:25:04 »

a nice sticker would be great on the box of the SD-reader! :-)

In it I am ..... hahaha


Offline gflorez

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #403 on: 2016.December.16. 21:19:39 »
I think he wants to say "indeed, I am workin in it"

Offline sinclair200

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Re: SD card interface
« Reply #404 on: 2016.December.17. 11:19:08 »
Done Tag