Updated VHD file, now including SymbOS
Two partitions have been added to the "full of Enterprise programs VHD", partitions:
F: SymbOS main, there are two preconfigured SYMBOS.INI saved, .SD for using normal sized SD Card, .MSD for Micro SD. Select and copy the proper version as .INI (depending which card are you using)
The easy file browser/loader also on drive F: as START file, just press F1 key.
G: secondary SymbOS
The SymCommander configured for F: and G: as default.
H: Enterpise games from 0 to H
I: Enterpise games from I to R
J: Enterpise games from S to Z, software CPC emulator + programs, software Spectrum emulator + programs
K: Enterprise Demos
L: Enterprise music and videos
M: Enterprise utils
Download 256M VHD