We must talk(better suggest) about the future of the interface. Saint has mentioned it will be an all in one expansion, usable for all the EP users, not conflicting with older expansions.
If the 64k users memory problem had been discussed earlier , now Saint could have an easy solution.
He had mentioned his expansion card has space for more upgrading, and I think now is the time to propose things.
There are some obvious improvements yet made in the nineties of the past century....by the Mészáros team, easy to implement as they already have EXOS extensions or utilities(Zozotools), like Real Time Clock, Serial port(mouse) or Keyboard adapter, but what the EPs need more is real connexion with other computers or directly to the WEB. Now that the storage problem seems to be fixed....
Now is the time when every EP user can reach by few money that future the creators promised us but rarely was perceived on all that years.
But we must talk about it, please.