I'm going to put here my thoughts about how to connect a MSX cartridge to the Enterprise expansion connector(Bridge or bus expander).
But first of all we must know what are the main facts, similarities, differences and lacks of the connectors and architectures:
Something about MSX interfacing has been written on the SymbOS thread, so I will put here only a
-We have been very fortunate that the Z80 ports used by the most interesting MSX I/O cartridges have not been used on Enterprise expansion projects, so there would be no collision there. Also, just because of this, Zozo says that 14 bit address could be used on this special case to preserve the Enterprise ports left of the bottom 256. We must return to think about this more deeply.
Enterprise uses a card style edge connector of 74(37x2) pins at 2,54mm pitch, while the
MSX slot uses the very same connector but with only 50(25x2) pins. The original Enterprise bus expander had a 4 pin code on every bus slot to deal with Z80 ports collision, but it was never released nor its information distributed, so the Hungarian developers created their own parallel standard, similar to the PC slots arrangement or the MSX I/O slots. Curiously, the MSX cartridge slots are also coded, but only for memory, up to 4MB, the same limit as the Enterprise.
-Both connectors have the complete Z80 bus(address, data) and signals on them, so it is only a mater of rearranging the pins, but to have a working MSX slot we must also deal with the specificities.
For example, the Hungarians developers based their bus expander on the EXDOS card, that doesn't make use of +12v and -12v(commonly used on amplifiers on audio cards), so they didn't populated pins A37 and B37 as was mandatory on the lost&found
original project. But these are necessary for the MSX audio cartridges, so these voltages have to be implemented on a new project.
Also, every audio MSX cartridge returns mono sound to the main-board by a pin. We know that the EP has been provided with two pins for stereo audio return(and mix?), but, ¿does somebody know the level of the sound and how to protect the Enterprise?