The /Reset are wrong, it is the /INT.
Ok, disconnected. It is not present on the original RTC board.
RTC Pin1 corrected?
The problem is, when I connect /RD, the EP starts to do odd things. It hangs at cold reset on the SD partitions screen, but only in 10Mhz, so I can reach the flashing letters screen on 4Mhz and then switch to Turbo speed. Also, once in Basic, loading SymbOS on 10Mhz also hangs. I have to switch to 4Mhz, and once loaded, again switch to 10Mhz. But then the mouse wouldn't work on Turbo speed.(we have to talk to Prodatron about that issue...)
On this situation, when pin 1 of RTC is connected to +5v(Motorola mode), at cold reset, the SD Reader hangs on the two speeds.
Sometimes on 4Mhz, pressing reset, it jumps to the clock, and other reset makes it jump to the SD partitions screen. But only sometimes.
I think I better will wait for Pear to make his own tests.