Once they will add the Ram expansion, adding Zozo's modified EXOS seems a trivial step.
I agree ... if you've already had to get inside the Enterprise to solder wires onto the EXP2 connector, then adding one more wire so that you can use EXOS 2.4 seems pretty trivial.
Great decision to put a FlashRom. Adding the /WE signal even can allow to write it in situ. Don't use Winbond or other cheap makers, better AMD. Zozo can modify his SD cartridge flasher for your memory expansion.
A good range to put a 512KB Rom zone is 60-7F, said by Zozo that it is a scarcely used area. And for the Ram, like Saint's expansion, filling F0-FB, E0-EF, DC-DF, if 512KB, or F0-FB, E0-EF, D0-DF, C0-CF, BC-BF if 1MB.
Simbiface3 also uses 60-7F as a Rom zone but it can put the Roms in any place so no problem.
From what I can see, AMD don't *seem* to be making 5V flash chips anymore, especially in PDIP format.
The modern 5V part that is being recommended to me is Microchip's SST39F040, which uses the same pin layout as AMD's old 29F040.
Unless I change the address decoding logic from the simple 74HCT138, then I can't decode any of those ranges like that.
The obvious choice would be to use output 4 on the 74HCT138, which would decode to banks 80h-83h, 88h-8Bh, 90h-93h, 98h-9Bh, A0h-A3h, A8-ABh, B0h-B3h, and B8-BBh.
The other choice would be to use output 2 on the 74HCT138, which would decode to banks 40h-43h, 48h-4Bh, 50h-53h, 58h-5Bh, 60h-63h, 68-6Bh, 70h-773h, and 78-7Bh.
Is there a list anywhere of what expansion-bus cards use which segments?