I got some unexpected problem with the modified MICROTEAM card: the DRAM address are also expanded to C0-DFh, this is internaly disabled for avoid the mirrored segments, but the card 245 bus driver IC also drived the data bus at this area. Then 64K from the internal expansion are missing at DC-DFh.
Now I added one AND gate which are combine the A21 and A20 lines, then the card fully disabled at C0+ area.
Now Ep1218's machine have total 2624K RAM: 64K onboard, 1024K at internal expansion, 1024K SRAM and 512K DRAM at modified MICROTEAM card.
And 64K onboard, 64K cartridge and 512K Flash ROM on the card, =640K ROM
Total 3264K used of the 4096K address space