Is 353 KB free the correct result ?
Only if you use 360K drive
Which drive used?
I already found bug(?) in EXDOS, when checking SD/DD. But it is usually at old drives with head settle mechanism. Some of these drives don't execute stepping until the head loaded. Then the first few step in command lost, and when counting back the tracks got a false result, then detect as SD drive.
My trick for these drive: :DIR, then write the :FORMAT command under the results, go back with the cursor, press ENTER again on the DIR and at the end immediately and quickly press ENTER on FORMAT, and Yes on the question. If you do it before the motor stopped, then the FORMAT started on the fly, and the drive detected correctly.
In the FAFO I handled this situation (do one read before SD/DD detection). This is the one of the reasons why I started write my own formating program.