Videoton bought the licence of the early version of the Enterprise from the Enterprise company. It is redesigned for the "socialist industry", for example not use any expensive custom componenst (for example: Nick, Dave), only standard components which are available in the East-Europe at this time.
This computers called as "scholl computers" because the state buy lot of for the schools.
The machine released in 3 versions:
-Videoton TV Computer 32K: 32K main memory+ 16K video memory. With expansion card can be expanded the main memory to 64K
-Videoton TV Computer 64K: 64K main memory+ 16K video memory.
-Videoton TV Computer 64K+: 64K main memory+ 64K video memory.
The TVC use same 6845 series CRTC with the Amstrad CPC. Videomodes:
-512x240 2 colors
-256x240 4 colors
-128-240 16 colors
The ROM programs are developed by Intelligent Software Ltd, this means you can found many-many similarity with the Enterprise.
This is the TVC homepage, sorry only on hungarian. But on the "galéria" you found many photos about this machine.
English documents about the TV BASIC 2.0, you see the IS footnote.
TVC Emulator