One of the web-stations I put on the SymbOS Webradio app has ceased to broadcast, and forces a hang when selected. It is the Hungarian one, the first on the list. Avoid to click on it.
Hans(and I) plans to enhance the program with a text file where to put the preferred stations, not hard coded like the actual version.
While this happens I offer some enjoyment to the Hungarian SF3 users: A little list of working Magyar stations that you can hear with a basic program.
It is the same Basic listing that is stored on the SF3 Drive, but I have added some details to make it easier to search for working stations. If the program founds a recoverable error, it runs again itself resetting to one working web-station. Pressing ESC the program will let you to enter other IP.
IP Station name
-------------------------------------------------------------------- AlienWare KORONAfm100 Lakihegy Rádió Online Danko Radio; Taska Radio I don't remember....
Also, I can search the web-stations name you like, but not always they work on the SF3, the protocols are often encrypted.