Yes it wold be possible to create such design. But the Enterprise 128 has two special chip, NICK and DAVE, and nobody knows their insides exactly.
However, it is not impossible to make it. But there is another thing. Most of us are agree that the Enterprise 128 means not only the software but the design and hardware as it is. Running EP softwares are easy: just pick up a simulator. There are at least two of them we are using every day. But the "Enterprise feeling" is more than that.
We who implement hardwares to the EP, are trying to expand its possibilities, instead of substituting them.
Maybe others have different opinions.
Actually, if you consider FPGA, it is possible to addd new hardware (using VHDL) and extensions more easily. I agree that the "enterprise feeling" is special (same goes for MSX of course), but FPGA also offers possibilities to extend the system more than is possible now, for a smaller budget as well.
Regarding Nick and Dave, I think this might be an issue. Although there's also
FPGA Arcade. I think that guy "reverse engineers" the systems by grabbing timings over PINs... difficult, but I guess the same can be done for Nick and Dave.
Anyway, it was just an idea that popped up. I wished my hungarian was, well.. at least something
I'd like to look for much more EP hard/software, but apart from german, french, english (some korean and japanese), hungarian is not in my vocabulary
Would be nice to have the full specs of Nick and Dave indeed...