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Author Topic: "New" Enterprise 64: connect and turn it on or first open up and test caps etc? (Read 18407 times)

Offline Herbert123

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New Enterprise 64 owner here. Well, I have had it for a while now, but because of life getting in the way haven't had the chance to test it yet. It's one of those Egyptian "new in box" Enterprises.

At the time I ordered the retrocables RGB Scart cable, but I understand that that cable is pretty terrible. I have a scart to rgb/hdmi converter that should work (even if I expect the picture to be terrible: my ZX Spectrum 48k looks rather bad).

I also have a new variable setting PSU that I can switch from 5 to 20v with max 20A and reverse polarity. (I can't connect the original PSU here in Vancouver (220v versus 110v).

My questions is: Should I turn it on "as-is" or should I first open it up, and test the caps with a multimeter?

Or just go right ahead and re-cap all the electrolytic capacitors, even without testing?

I am aware most software will not run on a 64k Enterprise. How do I go about upgrading it to more memory? Any tips?

Also, I understand that a proper video converter exists as well as an SD card adapter. Are those still available?

Thanks for all the help and sorry for all the questions - I love my Enterprise, and I want to restore it to full functionality. I've just been a bit anxious about turning it on for the first time.

Offline Dr.OG

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Welcome aboard!

I don't own retrocable products, but if you have doubts, Judge sells HQ RGB SCART cables:
Or you can solder your own (schematics at the bottom of the page):

If You are brave enough, you can turn the machine on, it won't catch fire or blow up, in worst case it simpy won't work:
The pattern on the screen may help finding the bug.

But perhaps it's wise to disassemble it first, and check the electrolytic capacitors, especially C9:
If it's Philips branded, it's recommended to replace. Other brands (i.e. Rubycon) are mostly OK.

Intenal memory upgrade is possible, RAM modules are manufactured by some of our members (at the bottom of the page):

SD card adapter is manufactured by SzörG, but sometimes it can be ordered via vatera.hu as well (hungarian eBay):

I use a "Medusa" universal video converter from lotharek.pl, which can be adjusted manually to the Enterprise (and several other retro machines as well):
If you still encounter problems, perhaps replacing the L2 coil would help:
« Last Edit: 2024.August.25. 08:39:32 by Dr.OG »
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Offline Herbert123

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Thanks @Dr.Og! That's very helpful.

I will open the machine first to check the caps used.