Yesterday I did tests of EPower module under load.
In the original Enterprise power system there are 12V@0.15A and 2 channel of 5V@1A power supply.
The module has three power sources: 12V@0.8A and 2 times 5V@2A.
The limits 12V@1,2A, 5V@2,5A (both 5A+5B @4,5A). This is much more than an original power supply can provide
In the module, I overloaded the 12V output with current 1A and the diode in the step-up converter warmed up a bit (only it).
One 5V output was load with 2A current. Within 10 minutes of work, without a heat sink, the temperature reached less than 40 degrees celsius
I have only one artificial load system, so I did not test both 5V outputs simultaneously, but the single output provides the same power as the entire original circuit.
Now it's time to mount the module in EP.