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Author Topic: Benefits of a RAM >128KB (Read 2936 times)

Offline jltursan

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Benefits of a RAM >128KB
« on: 2013.December.07. 18:08:28 »
So, apart from the RAMdisk, what are the benefits of having more than 128KB in the machine?, are there many software that can use so much memory?

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Benefits of a RAM >128KB
« Reply #1 on: 2013.December.07. 19:41:27 »
You can write lots of BASIC programs :-) Look the EDIT and CHAIN commands in the manual.
IS-FORTH also can use many memory.

HEASS assembler and HWP word processor can use all the available memory for the source/document. (For example my Zozotools source is 124K in .HEA, 247K in .TXT format. Before HEASS needed to use lots of include files, hard to overview the whole program. EXDOS disassembled source currently 181K in .HEA, 312K in .TXT)

Video and soundplayer from IstvanV also can use all the memory.
Some demos with large digital sound data also use more than 128K.
« Last Edit: 2013.December.07. 20:19:47 by szipucsu »

Offline geco

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Re: Benefits of a RAM >128KB
« Reply #2 on: 2013.December.07. 19:42:23 »
Quote from: jltursan
So, apart from the RAMdisk, what are the benefits of having more than 128KB in the machine?, are there many software that can use so much memory?
There are not many, but there are some which works better with expanded EP. There are some games, which have disabled features on a 128K machine (István mentioned that one of his conversion does not have soft reset on 128Kb EP, and possibly other feature also, but I can not recall it, other save/load does not availavle in Micoprose Soccer Reloaded and soft reset is not working, and if I remember well, Zozo converted some programs which load all code at once if there is enough memory available), and some utils which are using more memory if it is available. (as I see Zozo already answered this part :D )