Ok then, another white spot for me: It seems designers of EP already thought about the "turbo", namely 6Mhz, as Dave can be configured for that to have timings intact. However I always felt it's not a good solution as softwares can have the bad habit to write their thought-to-be-correct value to the corresponding Dave port. As far as I know, for other solution (like 7.12MHz, derived from ~14Mhz pixel clock of Nick, I suppose) do not have this problem and Dave can be left in its "usual" state (as it would be for 4Mhz machine) but still having the right timings for sound, etc. Is it true? Because if it's 7.12Mhz is much more useful and "compatible" (well, of course there can be other problems like software can require 4MHz CPU clock to work correctly, etc) than the 6MHz planned mode by the designers.