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Author Topic: Zzzip Integer Compiler (Read 91788 times)

Offline szipucsu

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #45 on: 2010.November.05. 00:11:29 »
In fact I think if you compiled the program again (under the same conditions) it would come out correctly this next time.
As I remember I tried to compile the program more times under EXOS 2.3 (hun) and the same bug appeared.

I remember that one of the most difficult areas was Exception Handling  -  this is not surprising because it is only required when something has gone wrong! I noticed that in the Basic program written by Szipucsu there are several Handler routines and I would be interested to know whether these routines work correctly in a compiled program.
I am not sure but I think they don't work exacly, neither in the original (uncompiled) Basic program.  :oops:
These handler routines are needed because the program can load and save some datas from/to disk. If the filename is incorrect, the file cannot be found on the disk, there is no disk in the drive etc, the compiled program would stop with an exception. That's why I used handler routines. I don't know how to avoid these problems in another way.
Furthermore, EXDOS doesn't check if a file were overwritten when saving, so I got the Basic program to check it which was possible (for me) using another handler routine: the program tries to load a filename we want to save to - if this filename doesn't exist, an exception will be caused and we have to step over this exception and save the file.
So, file handling using Basic is problematic - for me, at least.
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Offline peterhiner

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #46 on: 2010.November.05. 08:32:44 »
As I remember I tried to compile the program more times under EXOS 2.3 (hun) and the same bug appeared.

In that case I can only assume that a bug in EXOS 2.3 somehow caused a wrong byte to appear in the output file - actually this wrong byte is the lower half of an address, pointing to a string that is to be printed (displayed) on screen.  Because of this error the wrong characters are displayed on screen - partly a recognisable message and partly rubbish, which is exactly the result we have found.  Anyway you get the right results when you use the latest version of EXOS, so that is OK.  The only reason for investigating this error was to find out if there was an incorrect interaction between Zzzip and EXOS, and I am satisfied that there is no such problem in this case.

I will leave the subject of Exception Handling for another time.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #47 on: 2010.November.05. 09:43:45 »
Szipucsu! It is possible when you compiled with EXOS 2.3 then not use a EXDOS?
If yes, then I think this is a same problem with the "blinking pixels in WP when use a EXOS 2.3 without EXDOS". This bug is solved in the 2.31

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #48 on: 2010.November.05. 10:59:47 »
Szipucsu! It is possible when you compiled with EXOS 2.3 then not use a EXDOS?
If yes, then I think this is a same problem with the "blinking pixels in WP when use a EXOS 2.3 without EXDOS". This bug is solved in the 2.31
I do not use EXDOS in the emulator at all. I compiled the program without EXDOS and tried it without EXDOS.
Yes, in the 2.31 the program was OK!
« Last Edit: 2010.November.06. 13:26:45 by szipucsu »
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Offline szipucsu

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #49 on: 2010.November.06. 13:29:57 »
I will leave the subject of Exception Handling for another time.

I don't know if exception handling is problematic with Zzzip - many years ago I used it.
These disk-oriented exceptions should be solved perhaps in some other way with programming - though I am not familiar in it how to solve file-handling in Basic in the way that disk errors don't interrupt running the Basic program.
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Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #50 on: 2010.December.02. 12:29:23 »
Great surprise from Peter! Thanks!

Quote from: peterhiner
I have made a version of ZZZIP which creates a Source File instead of producing an output file in machine code.  I call this new program ZIPSRC.
I have also made some changes to IDEA (my editor/assembler) so that it will assemble the output from ZIPSRC (the compiled program needs to have a special header).
Both these new programs are in the enclosed folder, together with some text files and an example TEST.BAS file (with Source and Assembled output files).
One advantage of ZIPSRC is that it does not need to keep a list of Basic Line labels and addresses in memory, so it can compile much larger Basic programs.
The other advantage is that you can see what a compiled program looks like  -  maybe you are curious or maybe you are trying to solve a problem.
I know that it is dangerous to make changes to old programs, because you can not remember exactly how they should work.  Remember that these programs are about 25 years old!  So there may be some bugs in the new versions.  I hope they are OK, but let me know if you find any problems.

Offline peterhiner

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #51 on: 2010.December.24. 14:07:51 »
Here is a new version of ZIPSRC.  I hope I have been successful in uploading it.  I can't see my attachment in the preview, so maybe it didn't work.  I will find out when I post this reply.

Anyway this new folder (ZIPSRC2) replaces all items in the previous one, because I have made several changes.

The main change is that I realised that ZIPSRC has enough space to contain full assembly language statements instead of many lines of machine code (only translated into db statements).  This extra space is available because ZIPSRC does not need to keep a list of labels for Basic lines.  So now the source file produced by ZIPSRC will be much easier to read.

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all those who played a part in creating the EP Emulator.  I have just started using it and I find it fantastic.  Well done to everyone!

Also this is a good moment to wish you all Happy Christmas.  Here in England we have a white Christmas - lots of snow - too much really because we do not have enough facilities to deal with it properly.  I expect that you have snow in Hungary as well but probably you are more used to it.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #52 on: 2010.December.24. 17:05:23 »
Thanks Peter!
Happy Christmas!

Offline szipucsu

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #53 on: 2010.December.24. 22:37:17 »
Also this is a good moment to wish you all Happy Christmas.  Here in England we have a white Christmas - lots of snow - too much really because we do not have enough facilities to deal with it properly.  I expect that you have snow in Hungary as well but probably you are more used to it.

In Hungary, at least in our town it is raining. England is known here as a rainy country but this time it is the contrary: rainy Hungary, snowy England. :D (Maybe you got some snow from the Northern countries, Norway must have enough to give you some, too :D )

Merry Christmas to all!
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Offline dan.cave

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #54 on: 2015.February.17. 18:21:53 »
Hi All,

I wanted to post back to this thread, because I had a little more history to add. Back in the early 80's, my father bought an E64 which was a step up from our ZX spectrum. We also went to the PCW Computer show back in 84? and met Nick Toope and Robert Madge, (somewhere at home, my dad has a picture of me at the Enterprise stand sat on an E64, anyhow.. )

We also used to go to the London Enterprise Users Group near Belzise Park tube station (iirc) on the Saturdays, when they were run every month or so Where we met Tim Box, Mark Lissack and some others, who's names I have since forgotten (Doug Rabson rings a bell also )  as well as going to Enterprise computers (then at 31-33 Hoxton Street, London - when it was school holidays !)
i know i'm sad because i remember the address, and that you had to get to Old Street on the London underground to get there)  - Dad and I used to speak to Gerald Morgan (programmer), Keith Elliott ( Marketing Mgr) and  Steve Groves (Managing Director) of Enterprise computers, and by some chance of luck, my dad managed to get an agreement for me/us to test the new games and software for enterprise before they came out.  It was at this point, I seem to remember that dad and I bumped into  Peter Hiner at one of those meetings (at Enterprise computers or the London UG meets) and I specifically remember Peter asking me to 'test' Zzzip for him using my basic programmes which i had written,   I don't know if Peter Remembers me, or any of you who are on this forum who were enterprise owners remembered 'us' (Dad and I) but i can post some pictures if anyone is interested.

I remember a lot about the Enterprise, the IS BASic compiler, the FORTH and PAscal language compilers, and when we bought ExDOS, it was such a great time, i learned a lot about programming and  attribute my experiences and programming to owning an Enterprise.

such fun times.


Offline dan.cave

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #55 on: 2015.February.17. 18:33:50 »
I neglected to say, that during my teens, and whilst owning a E64, i wrote a networking programme that utilised the onboard/built in networking capabilities by sending broadcast and peer to peer messages to, as well as connecting it up to a modem (which i never actually got around to doing).

One time we visited the london user group i asked one of the other members if we could 'test' the programme which i had been working on for a few months, and a cable which my dad (and electronics guru) helped me by making one up into the RS423 ports on each machine) I actually got it working!! it worked flawlessly but as i hadn't finished writing it, someone else helped.. i cant remember who that was but it was very much ad-hoc and it was saved on a 3.5" floppy which was also saved for the other members to use/play with.

Offline geco

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #56 on: 2015.February.17. 18:35:11 »
Welcome here Dan, it is an interesting story, please post pictures if you have from any Enterprise "meeting" from those time I think everybody is interested about it, and pics from you and your dad for UK members :)
Do you still have any of your programs?

Offline dan.cave

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #57 on: 2015.February.17. 19:10:11 »

thanks for the warm welcome.. I will speak to Dad at the weekend as Im not sure if we still have pictures.

Unfortunately, dad sold the Enterprises we had and I really dont know if he has the disks with my old programmes on them still... Although I will ask. 


Daniel/ Dan

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #58 on: 2015.February.17. 19:23:01 »
Thank you very much Dan, we are waiting everything :) , even if you remember for a "new" story :)
Enterprise gave most of us a lot of fun in the past, and i think who did not own EP years ago, they have fun now :)

Offline gflorez

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Re: Zzzip Integer Compiler
« Reply #59 on: 2015.February.17. 19:29:27 »
Hello Dan!

Connectivity is what I most like of computers. I'm also interested in that modem connection and the program you wrote...