Can you remember which floppy drives used for the EXDOS developing?
It is a lot of different models?
The EXDOS manual have a list of tested drives (8 3.5", 3 5.25"), these tested at the IS? Or in IS used only few drives, and others tested by the Enterprise company?
Ok, you can't remember about the model numbers
but can you remember how these drives looked out?
3.5 or 5.25, full or half height? If 5.25 then a older "central lock" mechanism drive, or later with turnable lock arm?
If 3.5 then with a big eject button, or a smaller (like as the modern drives)? Button have a any color?
Why I ask it: previously we talked about the EXDOS Disk Change detection, you noted the EXDOS not works fast as possible probably because the hw Disk Change detection not used. Then I answered yes, it is disabled by default, and can be enabled if all drive use compatible method. But nobody know which drives compatible...