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Author Topic: Total recall gfx and sound problems (Read 3532 times)

Offline ssr86

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Total recall gfx and sound problems
« on: 2016.June.25. 00:13:46 »
Is there some other version of the total recall speccy port game? The one on the sd card disc image has problems with sound ("glitching" sometimes when punching for example) and there's something wrong with the scrolling - like the color attributes aren't synchronized with the graphics... I don't remember there being these problems on the speccy (at least with emulation).

Offline geco

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Re: Total recall gfx and sound problems
« Reply #1 on: 2016.June.25. 18:29:52 »
The one on the sd card disc image has problems with sound ("glitching" sometimes when punching for example) and there's something wrong with the scrolling - like the color attributes aren't synchronized with the graphics... I don't remember there being these problems on the speccy (at least with emulation).
Probably the converters of the program did not convert the attributes, just insert an attribute converter into interrupt, and convert the attribute memory real time.

Offline ssr86

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Re: Total recall gfx and sound problems
« Reply #2 on: 2016.June.25. 19:53:24 »
It's strange for me that they've left it as it is, because it's quite messy (the scroll I mean). However this probably isn't an official convertion so one couldn't complain too much...

Offline geco

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Re: Total recall gfx and sound problems
« Reply #3 on: 2016.June.25. 23:07:02 »
There was an article in a Hungarian newspaper "Spectrum Vilag" about how to convert Spectrum games,  a lot of people started to convert speccy programs after this article had appeared (I tried also but I did not know anything about assembly  and I did not have all the articles). At that time we got worse conversions.
I understand those who did not want to find all attribute bytes, it is quite hard and it was harder at that time.
Probably Total Recall should be converted from cratch.
« Last Edit: 2016.June.26. 10:25:17 by szipucsu »