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Author Topic: Sub hunter conversion (Read 33664 times)

Offline markerror

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #30 on: 2011.May.28. 09:50:20 »
Sub_hunter V5 in easter egg :)


Well, there is still a problem with the WON.SKS music. There are some drums that are not present in the CPC release. I have checked the music looking for sounds that use not properly the blank noise but found none. So it might be a problem of conversion :-). Other tunes are now quite perfect !


Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #31 on: 2011.May.28. 14:24:30 »
I have modified WON music, added the missing noises from CPC version, could you please check it?

Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #32 on: 2011.May.28. 16:43:43 »
Meanwhile I found the reason of extra drums, I placed noise to a tune where I should not do :D , and here is the new version of Sub Hunter with the modified musics, and player :)

Thank you very much for your great work, and help Hervé, I listen the easter egg since 1 hour on EP128emu :)
Merci Beaucoup ;)
« Last Edit: 2011.August.19. 14:17:40 by geco »

Offline markerror

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #33 on: 2011.May.29. 09:35:08 »
Meanwhile I found the reason of extra drums, I placed noise to a tune where I should not do :D , and here is the new version of Sub Hunter with the modified musics, and player :)

Thank you very much for your great work, and help Hervé, I listen the easter egg since 1 hour on EP128emu :)
Merci Beaucoup ;)

Hello Geco,

That was a pleasure :-). Next time you decide to do an adaptation of a recent CPC game, don't hesitate to post on the cpc wiki forum, all the "active" people on CPC are registered there : http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/index.php

Can you tell me if there is a topic dealing with cpc to Enterprise conversion ? I would be interested to know how you have done all these great games on Enterprise :-). I suppose you keep the Z80 engine of a program, but you have to change all the routines that deal with video display and port (keyboard, music, memory management ?).



Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #34 on: 2011.May.30. 11:47:57 »
Hello Geco,

That was a pleasure :-). Next time you decide to do an adaptation of a recent CPC game, don't hesitate to post on the cpc wiki forum, all the "active" people on CPC are registered there : http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/index.php

Can you tell me if there is a topic dealing with cpc to Enterprise conversion ? I would be interested to know how you have done all these great games on Enterprise :-). I suppose you keep the Z80 engine of a program, but you have to change all the routines that deal with video display and port (keyboard, music, memory management ?).



Hello Hervé

Thank youvery muc for the link too. :)

We have a link about converting CPC games, but it is in Hungarian :(
CPC conversion

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #35 on: 2011.May.30. 13:17:42 »
Can you tell me if there is a topic dealing with cpc to Enterprise conversion ? I would be interested to know how you have done all these great games on Enterprise :-). I suppose you keep the Z80 engine of a program, but you have to change all the routines that deal with video display and port (keyboard, music, memory management ?).

The Enterprise have a very flexible programable hardware. You can very easy to simulate other computers (CPC, ZX Spectrum, Videoton TVC, etc) memory and display configurations. It is a exist a CPC Emulator software (by geco  :smt038 ) which is use a modified CPC ROM, and can be run a lot of games without any modifications.

If the CPC game use a direct hw handling instead the ROM calls, then needed a conversion with modifiing the program code.
The keyboard/joystick routines and memory paging modifycation is a kidgame :-)
Build up a CPC like screen is also very easy, problem only in 16 colors modes, because the different color order. Needed to search the color codes and replace to another.
The biggest problem is the sound, because the AY and DAVE have a different capatibilities. See the Sub Hunter music problems  :ds_icon_cheesygrin:

Offline markerror

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #36 on: 2011.June.06. 13:32:24 »

Thanks for the informations about CPC to Enterprise conversion. Your computer seems to be very flexible and powerfull, a real shame that it has not been well selled in France...  I suppose we will see more CPC games on enterprise soon (why don't you try great games as Crafton & Xunk, Operation Wolf or the future R-type MODE 0 remix when it will be available).

I have just tested the new release of Sub Hunter and... There is a bug in the menu music :-(. Last pattern is truncated and does not play properly.


Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #37 on: 2011.June.06. 16:13:44 »
I will check it, may be the problem caused by the new length of the song.
There were some great game converted, you can check on www.ep128.hu, if you see AMSTRAD CPC of the right side of a title, then it is a conversion, mostly new :)

Offline markerror

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #38 on: 2011.June.06. 20:14:38 »
Hi Geco,

Thanks for the link, that's crazy to see how many games have been converted to Enterprise.
I would be interested too in pure Enterprise game, just to have an idea of the real capabilities
of the computer. Do you have a killer app to recommend me ?

I have one more little complain about Sub Hunter ! In the Intro scroll, there is no credit to Paul
Kooistra although he is the Z80 programmer of the game. That's a pity because Paul has done an impressive
job (I think Z80 code has nothing in common with the C64 one). Please give his credit back. That's easy,
just replace the words about Cataclysm (pure Amstrad stuff, not present on the Enterprise release of the game :-) ).


Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #39 on: 2011.June.06. 21:28:17 »
Hello Hervé

The music is corrected, the problem was that, the new song is longer than the original, and I forgot to change the length of copy routine, so it did not copy the whole song, about 30 byte were missing,  the sound was good in the Easter egg:)

Paul Kooistra who made a brilliant job, was returned into the credits :) If I remember well, his name appeared in the game menu, but I changed it to the C64 game menu, except the high score.

Here are some title which shows some extra of Enterprise capabilities:

Small Demo was the first big boom on Enterprise, this Demo was written by Sándor Gyányi with an enterprise with cassette recorder, it contains mod music, pictures with 1 LPT/line, so in 4 colour mode, every line can have 4 different colours, and some nice effect

Ork Megademo 3 was programmed by Orksoft (Endi (Endre Baráth) who is member if the forum :) ), it is the last big demo for Enterprise, with nice effects, pictures, and digi music.

Enterprise Slideshow 2 / 3 was created by Lacika using of amazing tool EPIMGCONV of Istvanv, there are several pictures in interlace attribute mode

Now the games:
Some old title
Magic Ball it is a trailblazer clone, but I think it is better, it is an original releas for Enterprise

PacMan City 2 by Endi, it is a great Pac Man clone

Swap is a very good logic game, we can hear MOD music during the game

Now some conversions:
Boulder Dash 1 (CPC) , 2 (c64) , Collection were converted by Istvanv, he inserted some extra to the game, ex animated c64 screen, changed the game engine to EP character mode so the game became much faster, if I remember well he had to slow down the program :)

IK+ Reloaded was converted by me from Amstrad originally, but it got 40x26 screen, the lake picture converted from Amiga screen using EPIMGCONV (again, and again :) ), waves implemented on the lake, and the score display have been changed too.

W.H.B. was converted by me from Spectrum, it became colourful compared with speccy version

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #40 on: 2011.June.06. 21:36:05 »
Enterprise Slideshow 2 / 3 was created by Lacika using of amazing tool EPIMGCONV of Istvanv, there are several pictures in interlace attribute mode
And also my collections: http://www.ep128.hu/Ep_Demo/Prg/Interlace_Demo_2.rar

Example screenshots:

Offline geco

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Re: Sub hunter conversion
« Reply #41 on: 2011.June.07. 09:11:50 »
Sorry Zozo, I forgot about these collections  :oops: