Hi all,
the problem is, the Frontend eCC (EmuControlCenter) reads the crc 32 checksum of the startextensionfile (*.com) to identify a Game....
But IstvanV's Boulderdash Collection has the same crc32 for different Games
bouldash.com = crc 61C8B682
- boulder3 (Boulder Dash 3 C64)
- boulder2 (Boulder Dash 2 C64)
- boulder1 (Boulder Dash C64)
- bouldash (CPC verzió)
bouldash.com = crc DC225A3F
- bd2cc (Boulder Dash Classic Collection)
- bd1cc (Boulder Dash 2 Classic Collection)
So i can't sort/archive them correctly with eCC.
The solution would be to have the *.com's in diff. crc32 checksumms !
@IstvanV : Can you change the startextensions in the games, the way, that each game has a diff. *.com - crc32 checksumm ?
That would be great