Yes i ihave Ep128 in mint condition its from Hungary ofcourse
Also i have SD Adapter from szergitata page
It has joystick adapter too
I saw this machine years ago at Youtube maybe 5-6y ago. Then i wanted to have one with Sam Coupe. Its not so easy to pick these. Also i have strick rule i dont buy anything what cost a lot. I only use 150€ max to per machine. Most i have got for free or donation.
Also been driving to your country to holiday 3 times . I tried to find Plus4 or EP on those trips but i coudnt just old tvs/radios from second had shops.
So i bought mine from friendly guy at Vatera
Iam only using it ot mess around and play games
Some sampled pcm files and demo as really impressive.
There are some other computers at my collection atm
A1200T 030 28mhg 8mb
A1200 4mb Escom
A500 Gotek
A500plus GVP HD8+ 2GB SD HDD
Salora Manager (Laserr 2000 finnish clone)
SVI 728 MSX SD adapter megamapper
VG8235 MSX2 Carnivore
CPC464 512kt+floppy emulator DDi3
Commodore 64 x 6
Commodore 128
Atari 1040STE 4MB Gotek
Atari XEGS
Still looking Ti-99/a and some more rare tech like Sam Coupe
12/2020 TI-99 bought and repaired
I have 3D printed EP color match joystick for it