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Author Topic: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest ! (Read 29739 times)

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #30 on: 2011.January.30. 00:44:57 »
Hi all,

here are some news & questions for the GameBase EP - Script :

1. We decided to use two ways for autostarting the EP-Games in the GB :
    a) GEMUS-Script wich contains the "Set_CFG_Item() - Feature"   (written by .mad. from the GB-Forum)
    b) GEMUS-Script wich use my written "special-cfg's" (stored in the folder : GameBase\Enterprise\Emulator\ep128emu2\config\gamebase_ep

to a) mad's script is really BIG and works almost perfect. But we found an "error" in the emulator ep128emu :
        This GEMUS-Commandline :  Set_CFG_Item(1||floppy.a.imageFile||%tab%||"%gamepathfile%")
        adds the Line : floppy.a.imageFile "c:\gbgame\0\games_01.img" to the gb.cfg  ( = Backslash)

        But we need  : floppy.a.imageFile "c:/gbgame/0/games_01.img" ( = Slash)
        otherwise the ep128emu don't add the image to the Disk-configuration in Disk-Drive A  :oops:

        Can you fix this IstvanV ?  (or is this an error by GEMUS ? )

to b) my cfg's needs to be added to the ep128emu-installer.exe  :mrgreen:

       I will first test them again, and then you add them. O.K. ?

      more soon ;-)

Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline IstvanV

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #31 on: 2011.January.30. 12:29:08 »
to a) mad's script is really BIG and works almost perfect. But we found an "error" in the emulator ep128emu :
        This GEMUS-Commandline :  Set_CFG_Item(1||floppy.a.imageFile||%tab%||"%gamepathfile%")
        adds the Line : floppy.a.imageFile "c:\gbgame\0\games_01.img" to the gb.cfg  ( = Backslash)

        But we need  : floppy.a.imageFile "c:/gbgame/0/games_01.img" ( = Slash)
        otherwise the ep128emu don't add the image to the Disk-configuration in Disk-Drive A  :oops:

This is not really a bug in the emulator, and I did not write the code that reads the configuration file anyway, it is in the dotconf library. You need to use double backslashes (\\), because a single backslash functions as an escape character (like in the C language). However, I do not see how this is possible in a GEMUS script, as there is apparently no way to change the path variables. Also, the configuration file format supports using environment variables (e.g. ${EP128EMUDIR}), but the script cannot set those, either.

For now, the best solution is probably to use relative paths (like "roms\\exos21.rom") in the configuration files for the ROM images, and specify floppy.a.imageFile, tape.imageFile, or fileio.workingDirectory on the command line with Add_CLP().

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #32 on: 2011.January.30. 13:47:08 »
Thanks IstvanV.

So we will use :

or this :

Add_CLP(-cfg gb.cfg -fileio.workingDirectory="C:/GBGame/0" -floppy.a.imageFile="C:/GBGame/0/GAMES_01.IMG")

I have still some trouble to run basic-games wich use the EPDOS HFONT.
Some games works (Amöba, Kigyo, line, etc..)
other don't work (10 Hajó Elsüllyesztése, Tank Wars, etc...)
 Error : Ismeretten parancs.
          120 EXT "hfont":EXT "clkoff"  [10 Hajó]

   or  : Ismeretten parancs.           
          350 EXT "clkoff"                    [Tank Wars]

What's wrong with this cfg :
floppy.a.imageFile   ""
memory.configFile   ""
memory.ram.size   128
memory.rom.00.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\exos21.rom"
memory.rom.00.offset   0
memory.rom.01.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\exos21.rom"
memory.rom.01.offset   16384
memory.rom.02.file   ""
memory.rom.02.offset   0
memory.rom.03.file   ""
memory.rom.03.offset   0
memory.rom.04.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\asmon15.rom"
memory.rom.04.offset   0
memory.rom.05.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\asmon15.rom"
memory.rom.05.offset   16384
memory.rom.06.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\basic21.rom"
memory.rom.06.offset   0
memory.rom.07.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\hun.rom"
memory.rom.07.offset   0
memory.rom.10.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epfileio.rom"
memory.rom.10.offset   0
memory.rom.11.file   ""
memory.rom.11.offset   0
memory.rom.12.file   ""
memory.rom.12.offset   0
memory.rom.13.file   ""
memory.rom.13.offset   0
memory.rom.20.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epdos_z.rom"
memory.rom.20.offset   0
memory.rom.21.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epdos_z.rom"
memory.rom.21.offset   16384
memory.rom.22.file   ""
memory.rom.22.offset   0
memory.rom.23.file   ""
memory.rom.23.offset   0
memory.rom.30.file   ""
memory.rom.30.offset   0
memory.rom.31.file   ""
memory.rom.31.offset   0
memory.rom.32.file   ""
memory.rom.32.offset   0
memory.rom.33.file   ""
memory.rom.33.offset   0
memory.rom.40.file   ""
memory.rom.40.offset   0
memory.rom.41.file   ""
memory.rom.41.offset   0
memory.rom.42.file   ""
memory.rom.42.offset   0
memory.rom.43.file   ""
memory.rom.43.offset   0
vm.cpuClockFrequency   4000000
vm.enableFileIO   Yes
vm.enableMemoryTimingEmulation   Yes
vm.soundClockFrequency   500000
vm.videoClockFrequency   889846
Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline IstvanV

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #33 on: 2011.January.30. 14:08:50 »
Add_CLP(-cfg gb.cfg -fileio.workingDirectory="C:/GBGame/0" -floppy.a.imageFile="C:/GBGame/0/GAMES_01.IMG")

The - before the fileio.workingDirectory and floppy.a.imageFile is actually not needed, although it is not a problem either. In fact, OPTION=VALUE, -OPTION=VALUE, and --OPTION=VALUE will all work :)

I have still some trouble to run basic-games wich use the EPDOS HFONT.
Some games works (Amöba, Kigyo, line, etc..)
other don't work (10 Hajó Elsüllyesztése, Tank Wars, etc...)
 Error : Ismeretten parancs.
          120 EXT "hfont":EXT "clkoff"  [10 Hajó]

   or  : Ismeretten parancs.           
          350 EXT "clkoff"                    [Tank Wars]

The problem here is the CLKOFF command, which was present only in some old versions of EPDOS. To fix the error, you need to either use a version of EPDOS that still has it (e.g. 1.6), or remove the EXT "clkoff" from the BASIC programs. It may be a good idea to have the "fixed" BASIC programs on ep128.hu, since probably not many people are using the EPDOS versions where CLKOFF is needed or useful.
« Last Edit: 2011.January.30. 14:13:12 by IstvanV »

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #34 on: 2011.January.30. 14:49:33 »
The problem here is the CLKOFF command, which was present only in some old versions of EPDOS. To fix the error, you need to either use a version of EPDOS that still has it (e.g. 1.6), or remove the EXT "clkoff" from the BASIC programs. It may be a good idea to have the "fixed" BASIC programs on ep128.hu, since probably not many people are using the EPDOS versions where CLKOFF is needed or useful.
Really funny.....it works, when i also add the zrom to segment 07  :shock: :lol:

floppy.a.imageFile   ""
memory.configFile   ""
memory.ram.size   128
memory.rom.00.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\exos21.rom"
memory.rom.00.offset   0
memory.rom.01.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\exos21.rom"
memory.rom.01.offset   16384
memory.rom.02.file   ""
memory.rom.02.offset   0
memory.rom.03.file   ""
memory.rom.03.offset   0
memory.rom.04.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\asmon15.rom"
memory.rom.04.offset   0
memory.rom.05.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\asmon15.rom"
memory.rom.05.offset   16384
memory.rom.06.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\basic21.rom"
memory.rom.06.offset   0
memory.rom.07.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epdos_z.rom"
memory.rom.07.offset   0
memory.rom.10.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epfileio.rom"
memory.rom.10.offset   0
memory.rom.11.file   ""
memory.rom.11.offset   0
memory.rom.12.file   ""
memory.rom.12.offset   0
memory.rom.13.file   ""
memory.rom.13.offset   0
memory.rom.20.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epdos_z.rom"
memory.rom.20.offset   0
memory.rom.21.file   "E:\\GameBase\\Enterprise\\Emulator\\ep128emu2\\roms\\epdos_z.rom"
memory.rom.21.offset   16384
memory.rom.22.file   ""
memory.rom.22.offset   0
memory.rom.23.file   ""
memory.rom.23.offset   0
memory.rom.30.file   ""
memory.rom.30.offset   0
memory.rom.31.file   ""
memory.rom.31.offset   0
memory.rom.32.file   ""
memory.rom.32.offset   0
memory.rom.33.file   ""
memory.rom.33.offset   0
memory.rom.40.file   ""
memory.rom.40.offset   0
memory.rom.41.file   ""
memory.rom.41.offset   0
memory.rom.42.file   ""
memory.rom.42.offset   0
memory.rom.43.file   ""
memory.rom.43.offset   0
vm.cpuClockFrequency   4000000
vm.enableFileIO   Yes
vm.enableMemoryTimingEmulation   Yes
vm.soundClockFrequency   500000
vm.videoClockFrequency   889846
I still nedd some testing, and then my cfg's are ready for your installer.exe  :)
Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #35 on: 2011.January.30. 22:34:51 »
Hi IstvanV,

here are my cfg's  :cool:
Please add them to the Emulator in the folder : config/gamebase_ep/

I do also add my GEMUS-Script as Attachment

best regards,

Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #36 on: 2011.January.31. 19:54:17 »
here's a small updated Enterprise.mdb - file
Now you can see , wich game use wich config.cfg  (GB-GUI : View/Extra Columns/Use config.cfg)
Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline IstvanV

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #37 on: 2011.February.05. 17:54:20 »
Thank You, I think it is absolutly possible that there are also other Games, that aren't the latest Dump.
If you find them, please give me a link to the "finished dump" , and i'll add it to the GB.

Well, so far I have found these of my conversions to be old or missing in Gamebase:
  - Castle Master (CPC)
  - Castle Master II (CPC)
  - Dark Side (CPC)
  - Driller (CPC)
  - Total Eclipse (CPC)
  - Total Eclipse II (CPC) (so, basically all the Freescape games :))
  - Impossible Mission (Spectrum; my version, there is also one by Geco, and an old BAM (?) conversion as well)
  - Pinball Power
  - The Birds and the Bees (Spectrum, my version)
  - a new Boulder Dash version has also just been released here
There may be more, but these are the ones I have found with a quick check. The latest versions can be found at ep128.hu.

I have also noticed that some of the MP3 files are not of very good quality - were they made with EP32 ?

Is there (or going to be) also a script for the CPC and Spectrum emulator mode of ep128emu ?
« Last Edit: 2011.February.05. 17:57:55 by IstvanV »

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #38 on: 2011.February.05. 20:17:08 »
Well, so far I have found these of my conversions to be old or missing in Gamebase:
  - Castle Master (CPC)
  - Castle Master II (CPC)
  - Dark Side (CPC)
  - Driller (CPC)
  - Total Eclipse (CPC)
  - Total Eclipse II (CPC) (so, basically all the Freescape games :))
  - Impossible Mission (Spectrum; my version, there is also one by Geco, and an old BAM (?) conversion as well)
  - Pinball Power
  - The Birds and the Bees (Spectrum, my version)

Thanks i'll check this

- a new Boulder Dash version has also just been released here

Also thank you ! Just add them to GB EP !

I have also noticed that some of the MP3 files are not of very good quality - were they made with EP32 ?
Don't know....i've downloaded them from ep128.hu.  :ds_icon_cheesygrin:

Is there (or going to be) also a script for the CPC and Spectrum emulator mode of ep128emu ?
Well, not yet. Because this is a GameBase Enterprise and i don't need the other features for this......
But there is allready a GameBase for Amstrad & Spectrum. So, when i have the time, i'll add/test  the ep128emu on this Projects. Promissed  :cool:

i think we don't need a special installer.exe for my "own" cfg's.
We (.mad. and a little me) have written a nice GEMUS-Script, that works perfect with your emulator !

Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase

Offline Vicman

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Re: Gamebase Enterprise - Betatest !
« Reply #39 on: 2011.February.05. 22:00:55 »
Done. I've replaced all conversions you've listed  ;-)
Best Multi-Frontends ;-)  emu Control Center and GameBase