Here I put sources of my little game on basic, that not compiled by ZZZIP.
BattleMode now isn't working properly (I'll remake it later and probably change it completely).
ArcadeMode working almost fine, but too slow in emulator even on speed 400%
(compiled version without battle mode works at normal speed). Now present 2 levels, but for now it changes manually at line 5516.
Intro text just for stub.
At arcade mode you must find keys, open locks and grab upgrades (power,shield,... - I'll change their effects later).
But beware devils can steal keys, and you can't take then back.
When devil see you, he begins to pursue (and call his friends, if they are nearby).
After defeating all 4 enemies loads next level (even if you still not take all upgrades).
Eating dots restore you health (not now implementing in gameplay) and increase XP.
Hope it not sounds very complex To be continued...