Hello Sam!
The Chuckie is a unofficial conversion.
Was it common for Enterprise users to go to the effort of decompiling Spectrum releases, porting them to the Enterprise, modifying them as described above and then /not/ leave a note on the title screen to the effect that it had been unofficially ported?
Yes is a very common!
Usually not need full decompile, only needed to search the hw specific routines: keyboard/joystick, sound, and color attributes.
The first two is very simple, only needed to find all IN (FEh), OUT (FEh), and IN (1Fh) instructions.
The most common method for replace these, the loader program have a simulation routines, place the routine addresses to the RST CALLs, and then in the binary program code needed to replace for example the OUT (FEh),A to RST 10h, NOP
You can see this method in the Chuckie code if compare the original version with the Enterprise version.
Normally you can convert the Spectrum controlls and sound to the Enterprise less than 5 minutes
The biggest problem the colors. The Enterprise video chip can be programmed for very similar video mode than the Spectrum, but the attributum values are different. This means if you running a Spectrum code without any modifications you got a wrong colors.
You can see the results in the Chuckie
(And also exist a Bomber Man with a green walls
The hardest work in the conversion to find and modify the attribute routines and/or datas in the game.
Sometimes make a additional problem if the game calling routines from the Spectrum ROM. Then needed to write a simulation routines in your loader program which can simulate these calls.
In the Chuckie it is use the BEEP routine for the music. But who converted the game to Enterprise not simulated this ROM routine, this is the reason why missing the musics.
For the other sounds the game use a direct port out these are simulted and you can hear the sound.
If you (or anyone else
) wanted I can make a better Enterprise conversion of the Chuckie! With a correct colors and music