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Author Topic: An EP port of Ooze? (Read 9729 times)

Offline John Fante

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An EP port of Ooze?
« on: 2023.May.29. 10:05:18 »
The great ZX game Ooze has been ported to the C64:


Would be cool with an EP port :ds_icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Povi

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Re: An EP port of Ooze?
« Reply #1 on: 2023.May.31. 09:22:14 »
converting the ZX version to EP is possible:

(but not the C64 port!) :-D
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Offline Tuby128

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Re: An EP port of Ooze?
« Reply #2 on: 2023.June.01. 10:09:52 »
Interesting thing I noticed, if you look at the attachment, you can see, that the object (A) has its own attribute (red/black, and white/black). The player ist probably black-white (B).
If the player catches the object (which means it dissappears from the location) and the player approaches the location of the object (C), it changes the player color attribute at the raster. Which means the bitmap of the object dissapeared, but the attribute of the raster stays.
 If you look closely, the "head" of the object is read, and the bottom part is white. Probably this two part is in different raster.
 I think this is a minor bug on that particular system, what I was watching on youtube. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4f-76FD6zc)
« Last Edit: 2023.June.01. 10:16:41 by Tuby128 »