I also have a story. It is not ebay, it was a hungarian flea market website with fixed prices.
The guy (probably an old man with very bad grammatic) sold 7 pieces commodore cassette-tape with games. Multiple games on both side of the cassette like Raid over Moscow, and another big titles from that era. (The cassette was a pirate copy, not an original one)
He was offering a casette for 270 Euro. So the whole 7 was total ca 2000 Euro.
I was asking him, if it was a mistake.
He told me no, he think these are very fantasic games from that era, and it worth every penny. And nowdays it is hard to find.
He was asking me to call him, he wanted describe, how well these games are.
I wrote back him, that these games are available online nowdays, so anyone can copy it into a casette for 4 Euro (The unopened cassettes are expensive nowdays, at least in Hungary).
He did not answered my message. Probably I broke his little world.
I think he was a isolated insane guy, who selected the price without checking other offers, or the fact that we can find almost any software on the internet for free.