Team Hat Trick aka Six Men One Puck a clone/rip-off of Hat Trick by Bally Sente.
Graphics are based on the ms-dos version but altered. Come to think of it I don't know if this counts as a conversion or an original program...
It was made with 64kb 50fps in mind but I've failed... You won't be able to play with all the players on 64kb machine in 50fps... The game slow downs constantly. Maybe there's a chance for optimization but I don't know if memory will allow it... I think ep128 could get a special optimized version which maybe even could do Eight Men One Puck:) but that maybe some other time...
However as soon as you run it you'll see that the game is still not finished. There's no sound and I've encountered some bugs which I'll try to fix. Also the title screen is very minimal... No single player mode...
EDIT: Added a quick manual text file to the attachements.
- in shootout, when starting from gate the left player can turn down and he doesn't bounce from the rink bounds thus allowing him to shoot the puck outside the rink... However the shootout turns are short so that shouldn't be too game breaking...- there is some random bug/glitch when shooting diagonally towards the right rink bound... - irritating clinching... it's hard to free yourself
Some unimplemented but planned features:
- endurance and strength settings
- tournament mode (?)
- auto-facing the goal (like on c64 version of ht) option
- enhanced control of the goalkeeper if assigned a seperate controller (more control over the puck)
- computer player...
- saving of settings/presets
Hope some of you have someone to play with and you will enjoy it...
A quick video presentation: video: