Sorry, I've corrected the file.... I renamed the config file to config.bk to test the explanation. Then I forgot to reverse it...
My configuration is set to show the use of all programs related to EnterMice, so it is necessary to load the SPEMU128 Rom, 1024Kb of Ram for SymbOS and mouse mode 4.
Aha, I see. Another idea is to use command line switches for the exe, and you can create a .bat file for your needs. Then again, you don't need to know too much about the preference directory, and you can use command line switches as well to set amount of RAM, ROM images, etc. Then you can use the BAT file which would contain start of xep128.exe with your desired switches (remember, in Xep128, the config file content and the command line switches has about 1:1 mapping, ie the same parser inside Xep128 handles both, so you can use config file instead of switches, or vice versa). Some examples:
What you had in the config file:
rom@00 = combined.rom
rom@20 = @SPEMU128.ROM
Basically, it would be something like this with switches:
xep128.exe -rom@00 combined.rom -rom@20 @SPEMU128.ROM
However, please note, that with @SPEMU128.ROM you select the "hated"
preferences directory, so you may want to to forget it that "@" sign, and allow Xep128 to search for it, as @ would restrict to use only from the prefereces directory. Also, don't forget, that rom@00 = combined.rom is the default, so you can even forget that. That is, it's enough:
xep128.exe -rom@20 SPEMU128.ROM
But for sure, feel free to add more options, like:
xep128.exe -rom@20 SPEMU128.ROM -mousemode 4 -audio 1
So you can write this command line into a batch file, so you don't need to enter the whole command with parameters again and again. With this, you need only a one line long batch file, instead of long description how to get to know the preferences directory, write config file etc etc.