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Author Topic: Xep128 (Read 108432 times)

Offline lgb

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #165 on: 2016.April.18. 22:20:59 »
CHR 10&13 on EXOS VIDEO: device, everything works as logical :-)

:) Don't even mention it ... I have some headaches because of this. Since host OS handles EOLs differently in case of Windows / UNIX, but also EXOS has the given official EOL, so I convert between them in some cases especially in case of XEP command results, and console/config file writes, etc :-P

Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #166 on: 2016.April.18. 23:16:15 »
Other added roms have worked perfectly on XEP128, for example ZT or ESP.ROM.

Don't worry about EPDOS2-1, it cost me a lot of intents to find an EP128emu config that worked. Even so it was very unstable.

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #167 on: 2016.April.20. 23:28:48 »
I tried to compile Paszians on XEP128 with Heass, but when I wanted to load the assembly within the program, Xep's file handler pops out and I can't access to the SD-image.

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #168 on: 2016.April.21. 00:05:08 »
I tried to compile Paszians on XEP128 with Heass, but when I wanted to load the assembly within the program, Xep's file handler pops out and I can't access to the SD-image.

Then HEASS for some reason wants to use file FILE: interface ... Have you downloaded newer xep128-test.exe recently? Since I've uploaded some new ones (for example today - oh well, yesterday, it's "tomorrow" since 2 minutes here :) - as well) which may shouldn't be used (that's why I haven't mentioned here) for other purpose than testing various FILE: features discussed with Zozo in the Hungarian Xep128 forum. Or you used DDN (default device name) related options, also from the newer versions not mentioned here, in the English topic?

Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #169 on: 2016.April.21. 00:07:44 »
No. I've used the last test version you put in this topic.

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #170 on: 2016.April.21. 00:11:01 »
No. I've used the last test version you put in this topic.

Then I have no idea. File selector is shown if FILE: device handler is called for "open channel" with no filename given. It simply means, that someone want's to open the filename "FILE:". Otherwise it's not possible because of the code flow. Also, the device handler is called from EXOS, so someone seems to really use "FILE:" somewhere, unless DDN feature is used but it exists only since today (errr, yesterday ...) so it can't cause this as it simply didn't exist in older versions :)

Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #171 on: 2016.April.21. 11:44:30 »
Today at work I am able to use Heass inside your XEP128. No errors.

I can't understand why there are aspect that work on a computer and not on another. Both Pcs have the same XP installation.

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #172 on: 2016.April.21. 11:55:28 »
Today at work I am able to use Heass inside your XEP128. No errors.

I can't understand why there are aspect that work on a computer and not on another. Both Pcs have the same XP installation.

Dunno ... It's possible that at some places you have file name reference "FILE:" which forces Xep128 then to use internal fileio and since there is no filename after the device name (FILE:) the selector window appears.

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #173 on: 2016.June.05. 19:38:02 »
Recently I was busy with my other emulator project(s), Commodore 65 (and Commodore LCD and Commodore VIC-20 too). It's also interesting, that it was a good (and more simple) test case for optimizing things in Xep128 too, later. However, currently there are many things collected already for the Xep128 before this too. So I would like to know if anybody know about "serious" bugs in Xep128 (not the lack of feature, which is a different case ...). So just please tell me, if you know something :)

The newest build is at (as usual, and this page is preferred to download in contrast of direct URL to zip/exe, as it can change!): http://xep128.lgb.hu/    "Quick link here though for downloading the win32 build"


Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #174 on: 2016.June.19. 16:21:52 »
I think that he best way to install Xep128 is..... to share a clone of my installation.

Just above is the link to the Windows port of Xep128. Expand it to a directory at hand, for example C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Xep .

Here is my SDcard image loaded with all my EnterMice related projects. Expand it to the same directory than Xep128.

To modify the image, the best way is to use ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver as it allows to enter all the little partitions, and suits all Windows versions.

Once created the Xep directory with the necessary files, you can enter and execute the file named "xep128.exe".

The first time a Dos window and a little window will open informing of a config. file created at a given path, usually something like this "C:\Users\$$$$\Appdata\nemesys.lgb\XEP128\". It is important to know this path, because is where you must put the config. files of my installation.

If you close this little window clicking at OK, probably the Dos windows will close and another definitive emulator window will open.

Now you have the default config of Xep128 loaded on your PC screen. But you are insatiable, you want more....

Then close the emulator pressing F9.

Download my config. directory inside the nemesys.lgb\ path and simply try again executing XEP128.exe.

Now all things will work right, but you can find on the SD image some in-progress versions mingled with the definitive versions. Sorry. Check the date of creation of the files to know the last version.

Edit: for more ease of configuration, a direct access to the config dir can be created inside the executable dir.

Just download this file and rename it as "config.lnk". it will show a little arrow over the icon. It is a direct access.
A direct access can only be configured with windows.

 It is a mater of right click on the icon marked with a little arrow and select proprieties on the appearing menu.

A little window like this will open:

Then, paste the XEP128 config path on the "Target" option and leave empty the "Start in" option. Click on Apply to set, and on OK to leave.

Place the config  link where you like.
« Last Edit: 2016.July.16. 09:48:19 by gflorez »

Offline lgb

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #175 on: 2016.June.19. 17:30:38 »
I think that he best way to install Xep128 is..... to share a clone of my installation.

Just please be careful with words, since main design concept of Xep128 that it does not need installation, and it does not have installer :) I mean not in the traditional way, of course you can still put custom config, image etc, to be used then, and you can call that installation :)

Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #176 on: 2016.June.19. 18:04:30 »
Yes, Xep doesn't need an usual installation to work, but it creates the config file  on a fixed place that, on the other side, is different on every computer and version of Windows.....

Is for that I give importance in my explanation to copy the right path of the \nemesys.lgb\XEP128\ directory when the config. file is created.

This is not a complaint. Xep is OK for me as it is.

But, to make your emulator more easy to configure, why don't you put the config dir on the same dir where is the executable?

Offline lgb

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #177 on: 2016.June.19. 18:13:24 »
Yes, Xep doesn't need an usual installation to work, but it creates the config file  on a fixed place that, on the other side, is different on every computer and version of Windows.....

Is for that I give importance in my explanation to copy the right path of the \nemesys.lgb\XEP128\ directory when the config. file is created.

This is not a complaint. Xep is OK for me as it is.

But, to make your emulator more easy to configure, why don't you put the config dir on the same dir where is the executable?

That directory you mentioned is an SDL stuff, I mean, the "preference directory" is "calculated" by the SDL layer itself (not mentioning the app specific part, ie nemesys.lgb/Xep128 of course). This is needed to be cross platform application, ie working on multiple operating systems, and their multiple versions. The reason not using the directory of the executable itself, is also the flexibility, you can copy the exe in a system wide accessable directory somewhere in the PATH, still multiple users can have their own configuration files though! The user may don't have even write access to the directory where executable is. This is for example a common scenario with Linux, that application installed system wide, and using per user specific configuration thoughs. So the reason is again the maximal possible flexibility, to be able to be used in any scenario, any OS, any version ... Maybe not even just Linux/Windows, but Android etc in the future, so whatever SDL would be able to support otherwise.

I have not so much user experience with Windows, as you know, in Linux/UNIX like OS'es some can still use symlinks to link directories to another place in the directory tree, so user can still create a different layout if it's desired because of some reason.

Offline gflorez

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #178 on: 2016.June.19. 19:02:25 »
Also the files to use with FILE: are searched there and the Roms to install. The occasional user doesn't need to know the place, but if somebody wants to emulate complex things, it will be very important.

I understand your reasons. Of course I don't want to influence your future work with Android.....

Symlinks?  I only know about "direct accesses", but I think they only deal with the Windows GUI, not with the deeps of DOS.

I have an idea, just like you create the config and the directory, put a direct access to the config directory on the executable dir.

Then the final user doesn't need to know where the config is.

Here is a copy of the direct access I use to reach the config dir. I have deleted the LNK tag it had, because windows doesn't treat it as a normal file.

Offline lgb

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Re: Xep128
« Reply #179 on: 2016.June.19. 19:42:20 »
Also the files to use with FILE: are searched there and the Roms to install. The occasional user doesn't need to know the place, but if somebody wants to emulate complex things, it will be very important.

That's not true in this form. In Xep128 there is a function responsible for open files, ie for ROM image to load, the config file to be parsed, and so on. This function has some heuristic logic designed (by me, I mean) to avoid some headaches. Ie, the default configuration (even without config file) would use "combined.rom" for ROM images, which is searched at MULTIPLE places, INCLUDING the directory where the EXE is. So the preferences directory is not the sole place it tries to be used, especially for reasons you mentioned as well, for a simple user "download & try" experience, it's just enough to put every files in a single directory, EXE, combined.rom, etc, and will work, even without the user know anything about the "preferences directory" and its role. The default sdcard.img SD card image file is similar, ie is tried to be opened from the EXE's directory as well, for the same reason: the user can just download the EXE (and DLL, btw), ROM image and an SD card image file, putting all of them into a single directory, and it will work, without any configuration file, or the preferences directory. What I tried to be done it to provide a cross-platform, multiple OS/multiple version, single/multi user "installation" etc capable solution *WITH* also the possibility to provide the most simple approach for "try it", with just putting files into a desired directory, and that's all. This is somewhat different from ep128emu, where you have to do some work before the emulator is able to be used.

With the FILE:, you have some truth, however, I consider FILE: as an "advanced" stuff which is not the "very basic" usage of Xep128, so it needs more knowledge on the emulation details, directories etc, what emulator uses. By the way, if you check xep128.h out in the source, you will see this:

Code: C
  1. #define COMBINED_ROM_FN         "combined.rom"
  2. #define SDCARD_IMG_FN           "sdcard.img"
  3. #define PRINT_OUT_FN            "@print.out"
  4. #define DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE     "@config"
  5. #define DEFAULT_CONFIG_SAMPLE_FILE "@config-sample"

File names begin with '@' means the preferences directory. File names without that (or given path) are tried to be guessed with opened at multiple places, ie in the current directory, in the directory which contains the EXE (and even the preferences directory, also on Linux/UNIX, the "data directory" it tried to open the given file as well). So you can see, that the default ROM image and default SD card image can be found even without anything in the preferences directory itself, though the default configuration file is indeed, tried to be opened from the preferences directory.

And yes, of course: you're right, of course if you want some "complex" the situation is more complex, it's quite logical :) While the default basic usage of Xep128 does not need to any deal with custom/pref/etc directories, and paths, if you have something more complicated, you need to know more on Xep128 details. I can't see it can be avoided easily, to also provide the simple case, while also serve the purporse of multi platform / multi user / system installed EXE, etc all of the cases at the same time.

I understand your reasons. Of course I don't want to influence your future work with Android.....

:) it was just an example :) But of course it's possible. However even *only* with Windows/Unix, and different usage needs, you can see the problematic part here, and the need of some "interesting" solutions :)

Symlinks?  I only know about "direct accesses", but I think they only deal with the Windows GUI, not with the deeps of DOS.

Symbolic links in UNIX OSes, maybe "shortcuts" in Windows, just in UNIX, it's a kernel level OS stuff, so I can "symlink" a file or directory to another name and/or directory, and I can "see" that directory/file there too. Maybe Windows is lame enough not to have this capability? :) It's a kinda elementary knowledge about UNIX OSes (btw, there are even hard links, but i's another question).

I have an idea, just like you create the config and the directory, put a direct access to the config directory on the executable dir.

Sorry, I don't clearly understand what you mean here. I assume, "config directory" is the "preferences directory", ie the stuff with "nemesys.lgb" in its PATH. What would you do with it?

Then the final user doesn't need to know where the config is.

That is correct, this is the exact reason why Xep128 works without *any* configuration file at all, just putting ROM image, EXE, DLL, sd card image into the same directory and that's all :) But you can't avoid the complexity if you want to retain this possibility as well also with other use cases and goals at the same time. WHat I've already mentioned, of course.

Here is a copy of the direct access I use to reach the config dir. I have deleted the LNK tag it had, because windows doesn't treat it as a normal file.

Ah, so that should be the Windows-like notion of "symlinks" :) However I can't do anything with this file, it's a data garbage, no idea what it is, maybe it's a Windows stuff :) Unix symlinks are not like that, the link itself cannot be saved, because it's a link, if you try to save, the pointed file is saved, what it should do, I think :)