I forgot to say that the FPSE example is not free but you have infinite updates once you buy it.
For only 2,79 Euro you are supporting the creator to make a better accurate virtual machine.
Why not do the same for a really good Android Ep128emu?
Because of that:
PS has an all time 120.000.000 units sold.
EP has roughly 80.000 units produced and this is the all time maximum.
If i suppose only the one per cent of the former buyers are interested in per platform.
You can do a quick calculation about the margin.
This is a very rough estimation but you can get a picture about the volume.
in the case of EP it means 800 downloads * 2.79Eur = 2,232Eur (this is the net amount, you won't get this because the revenue percentage)
in the case of PS it means 1.200.000 downloads * 2.79Eur = 3,348,000 Eur
Not in the same category.