Módosítottam a kazettaborítóhoz a szöveget, és az ep128.hu alapján kiegészítettem. Vélemény?
Javaslatom az alábbi, átdolgozott változat. Csak az angol nyelvűt készítettem el. Lehet belőle ötleteket meríteni. Ja, és szükség szerint javítani a kisbetű-nagybetű és egyéb nyelvtani hibákat.
About the gameYou are the treasure hunter. You travel the world to visit the treasure caves and gather all the precious gems and coins. You are a fast and sturdy guy, you can bear falls no matter the height, but jumping is so much not your forte that you shouldn't bother trying at all. You have to franticly run the platforms and climb the ladders to avoid ghosts in your way of getting rich and famous.
System requirementsYou need an Enterprise computer with at least 128 kB RAM installed to run this game.
How to loadIf you have bought/received this game on a tape, connect your cassette recorder as explained in the Enterprise setting-up guide. Rewind the tape and press Function Key 1 (START) on your Enterprise. Press Play on your tape recorder. The game will start automatically when the program has finished loading.
If you have bought/received this game on a disk, connect your disk drive... (Ezt írjátok ide hogyan kell!)
How to playIt is a side-view, spectacular, traditional coin collecting game. Your task is to collect all the coins/keys/gems on the screen avoiding the enemies moving randomly. You cannot jump, you can use only ladders to move up and down. You can fall down from any height. The level is completed by picking up the last coin.
Depending on the starting level and the number of enemies you get invulnerability which lasts for 5 seconds. When invulnerability is turned on a counter will appear next to the number of lives. In the last second the border will change its colour and it will get black slowly. With one enemy there is no invulnerability.
Under the game screen you can see the SPEED you set, the set number of enemies (GHOSTS), coins remained (COINS) and rooms remained (MAP).
If you get a high score you will get into the top scores list which can be saved onto disk.
ControlsIn the main menu, press Function 1 or Function 2 to set game speed (1 - fastest, 5 - slowest), press Function 3 or Function 4 to set number of enemies (1 - 3), or press SPACE to start the game.
You can control the hunter with your joystick connected to any joystick port, pressing the fire button activates invulnerability if available.
Press ESC to restart the current level, however this will cost you one life.
Programming and level design – Geco
Graphics – Endi
Additional programming - IstvánV
Music and level design – Szipucsu
An Enterpriseforever.com production