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Author Topic: ENTERPRESS Magazin (Read 75019 times)

Offline SlashNet

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« Reply #60 on: 2017.June.14. 12:14:32 »
Please inform when will be availabe english version of magazine. I've accidentally found out, that english issue 2016 already exists.
And first number of 2017 was planned at the end of April.

Anyway - very cool magazine. :smt023

Kérlek, értesítsetek, mikor lesz elérhető az angol változata a magazínnak. Véletlenül vettem észre, hogy a 2016-os kiadás létezik angolul.
És a 2017-es első szám április végén volt tervezve.

Amúgy, nagyon király magazin! :smt023
« Last Edit: 2017.June.14. 15:15:40 by szipucsu, Reason: Hungarian translation added »

Offline BruceTanner

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« Reply #61 on: 2017.June.14. 13:21:15 »
:bow: :bow: :bow: Wow! Looks very impressive even though I can't understand any of it!  :oops:  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Nagyon lenyűgözően néz ki, még ha semmit nem is értek belőle!
« Last Edit: 2017.June.14. 15:17:35 by szipucsu, Reason: Hungarian translation added »

Offline Tutus

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« Reply #62 on: 2017.June.14. 13:31:37 »
:bow: :bow: :bow: Wow! Looks very impressive even though I can't understand any of it!  :oops:  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Ohhh, Bruce, I do not understand either :shock: :D

Offline Tutus

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« Reply #63 on: 2017.June.14. 14:40:18 »
Please inform when will be availabe english version of magazine. I've accidentally found out, that english issue 2016 already exists.
And first number of 2017 was planned at the end of April.

Anyway - very cool magazine. :smt023

Two enterpress magazines were published in English from 2015: http://enterpress.news.hu/index.php/en/enterpress-news
Unfortunately translation is our biggest problem, we do not find a translator who would translate for acceptable price ...
We would ask for your patience, we will inform you if English version becomes available.
Please donate us it would help to finish free English version as soon as possible.

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« Reply #64 on: 2017.June.14. 15:20:15 »
Fordítgathatom, de nem hiszem, hogy belátható időn belül a végére érek az egésznek.

Például a külső színbemenetes kártyából a külső és a kártya oké, de mi a színbemenetes?
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Offline geco

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« Reply #65 on: 2017.June.14. 15:30:26 »
Fordítgathatom, de nem hiszem, hogy belátható időn belül a végére érek az egésznek.

Például a külső színbemenetes kártyából a külső és a kártya oké, de mi a színbemenetes?
external color input card?

Offline szipucsu

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« Reply #66 on: 2017.June.14. 15:44:20 »
external color input card?
Köszi, én is ilyenre tippeltem.

Nekivágtam az első oldalnak. Itt megvan, ami eddig kész van belőle. Ha úgy adódik, írogatom tovább. Ha valaki szeretne beszállni, írjon, és adok szerkesztési jogokat.
Most jutott eszembe, hogy a Wikin is lehetne szerkeszteni, de már elkezdtem így. A Wikire fel lehe esetleg pakolni, ami kész van.
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Offline Tutus

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« Reply #67 on: 2017.June.14. 16:17:45 »
Köszi, én is ilyenre tippeltem.

Nekivágtam az első oldalnak. Itt megvan, ami eddig kész van belőle. Ha úgy adódik, írogatom tovább. Ha valaki szeretne beszállni, írjon, és adok szerkesztési jogokat.
Most jutott eszembe, hogy a Wikin is lehetne szerkeszteni, de már elkezdtem így. A Wikire fel lehe esetleg pakolni, ami kész van.

Hűűű :) Nagyon köszi előre is :) Holnap találkozok egy régi kollégámmal aki lehet, hogy tud segíteni :)
Persze most, hogy dupla szám, így még több oldal van... (mondjuk még a 2017/1. sincs teljesen lefordítva :oops:

Offline balagesz

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« Reply #68 on: 2017.June.14. 20:23:52 »
Ó, és még a sokszínkártyateszt is meg van benne említve! Kösz! :mrgreen: Ez amúgy nagyon jó, hogy még mindig létezik ilyen kiadvány... Annak idején én ebből teljesen kimaradtam.

Offline geco

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« Reply #69 on: 2017.June.14. 21:24:25 »
Ó, és még a sokszínkártyateszt is meg van benne említve! Kösz! :mrgreen: Ez amúgy nagyon jó, hogy még mindig létezik ilyen kiadvány... Annak idején én ebből teljesen kimaradtam.
én is.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #70 on: 2017.June.15. 08:59:55 »
Megpróbáltam lefordítani a „Külső színbemenetes kártya” rész:


I have tried to translate the "Colour Input Card" section:

External color card

An external color card to test the NICK EC3..EC0 inputs has been created, it is a bit the product of the imagination of enterpriseforever.com members.

Of course this is not a problem, in fact... the original intention of the Enterprise creators was that these inputs allowed the machine to connect an electronic device to be able to display hardware sprites on the screen.

However - due to its construction - there are several other possibilities. But the main purpose is to show sprites.    

The essence of this is,  a program loads the sprite image into a special memory, then the hardware "crawls" it over the original Enterprise image In the correct position.

This position can be adjusted, so moving the sprite means translating the coordinates to the card's processor, which is much less work than if it's "copied" (with proper masking) to the image generated by NICK.
On the Enterprise hardware, NICK is designed to allow the EC3.. EC0 inputs pass-through the colouring circuit  and then they appear on the monitor screen.

Nevertheless, this is also possible at the highest resolution, because the sprite image from the outside can be 16 colors at maximum resolution, whilst the original image of Enterprise could have only up to 2 colors per line.
On the past it has been assumed that only a few sprites could be displayed. But now has come to mind the idea that you do not have to send sprite images to NICK, you can even get a full screen content from the outside. This means that the mode(s) can be shown with a structure that could not be originally displayed by the original NICK (for example a resolution of 640(or more)×288, that NICK can only show in 2 colors, but can be displayed with 16 colours from the outside).

1. This is good for game developers because sprites do not need to be displayed from a program routine (not always possible), but directly by the hardware. The "precious" CPU time can be used for something else. But that will benefit the players as well, because the enhanced effect will apear on our computer screen too. So "this will be good" for all.
2. There is no video connector on the card, the card itself is the one that generates the data in the EP, and that's what this project is about. So, "softly the data is sent, from the card to the EP"♪♫.
3. Definitely, the card can not be directly used as an "external video card". Ie, surely it can be used as a video card, but the resulting picture will be always limited by the palette and video output of the EP. What is improved over NICK's skills is the number of colors that can be used for higher resolution, and about this I have some ideas to take advantage of (For example, you can perform super-smooth hardware horizontal scrolling...).
This is the current state of the project, but hardware of this kind tend to "multiply" its complexity as time passes and new knowledge surfaces, so there is a lot of challenge in it. I hope this story had a more "epic" view from the Enterprise users side...

If you have any questions regarding this subject, I will reply them at the "Tesztelés" topic on the enterpriseforever.com forum.
« Last Edit: 2017.June.15. 10:45:47 by gflorez »

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #71 on: 2017.June.16. 01:22:09 »
Any correction? Does it resemble the original intention of the Hungarian text? Should I continue?

Is anybody out there....?

Offline Tutus

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« Reply #72 on: 2017.June.16. 07:55:40 »
Any correction? Does it resemble the original intention of the Hungarian text? Should I continue?

Is anybody out there....?

Thank You!
I should look over who is an Englishman :) I'm unfortunately not. Someone's?

Offline BruceTanner

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« Reply #73 on: 2017.June.16. 08:06:23 »
Hi gflorez,

It is great, thank you :smt041 I can understand it perfectly. If I was writing it myself as a native English speaker I would re-phrase some parts slightly but it is fine as it is.

I don't often reply to topics in the Hungarian forums in English because they are Hungarian forums...but as the topic is about English translations...

My own view is that translating the whole magazine might not be worth the large amount of time for not many potential readers.

But if Tutus was able to publish an HTML version that kept his beautiful formatting, pictures and layout then non-Hungarian speakers like myself could point Google Chrome Translate to it. It will be far from perfect but I would be able to understand most of it, just like I (usually) can understand these Hungarian topics. And non-English speakers too could have it in their own language.

Edit: spelling correction

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« Reply #74 on: 2017.June.16. 08:44:25 »
Ok, thanks to both of you.

It is very good to read that the sentences are well or near well constructed in English, Bruce, but what I am mainly asking is: does the translation do justice to the original Hungarian text?, am I loosing details on the conversion?

On the other side it would be appreciated if you correct the phrases that do not work....

 I do not mind spending my time in translating the text, (helped by Google Translate ...), but what I want is a correct whole translation, not a correct English pronuntiation of a wrong translated text. Do you understand me?

With a little aid, a group can translate the text on a few days. Once completed, will be more easy to understand an automatic translation made from only English, as it seems that Google or Chrome always use English as an intermediate pass.