I ask about TVC64 not coincidentally. It is most similar to the Enterprise.
Maybe it would be easier for me to recognize how works the inputs EXTC and EC0-EC3. I'm afraid a little of doing experiments on expensive original EP.
The 6845 CRTC chip is quite easily accessible. It was widely used in many computers (Amstrad/Schneider CPC, early PC graphic cards MDA and CGA).
Yeah, I see, I just mentioned Primo, since it's an interesting stuff, that there is no special IC (AFAIK!) in it, other than Z80, not even something like the CRTC, or custom stuff, like the ULA in Speccy, or Dave/Nick in EP, etc. But surely, I see your point. I think, you can't damage an EP with those inputs too much ... AFAIK, EC0-EC3 and EXTC both of all are inputs, normal logical evel, etc, so you can even build some buffer between them, etc.
In theory, EC0-EC3 are colour inputs which are treated if EXTC is driven active (low active, if I remember correctly). Also, some Nick I/O ports, you can tell how they are should be used. Since I *still* (please do not comment, hehe) don't have a usable EP for real, I can't try, but I already suggested, that somebody should try to drive EXTC active externally and only put a constant "colour" onto EC0-3 (eg, ground all of them, maybe on some resistor though, just to be safe). Then on 0x80 port of Nick, the handling of external colour input should be "set up" for as you like, and you can try, what happens on the screen when you drive EXTC active or inactive, or even setting EC0-EC3. My idea, that it should display that colour. Since it's more or less a constant value on EC0-3, and not sync'ed to the pixel clock, etc, surely it looks all on the screen or so, but it's a good and quite simple start to see, if it works this way at all. That's what I think you should not cause any damage, since they are inputs etc, but hey, I can't be sure for sure