I'm just asking, because Renegade+ works only with 3-button ext joy (no any option to use one button joy).
It seems i am getting older, and forget easier
You are right, now i remember, the problem was that it was written directly for 3 fire button, like The Sword of Ianna, and i made a mistake, when i tested the game it seemed to work correctly with joystick, and as i remembered running was also easy with 1 button setup, but it is not
So i modified Ianna to be able to play with 1 button joy and 2 buttons joy also.
1 button joystick
Fire+up: unsheathe (it was already in)
Down: put away sword
2 buttons josytick
Fire2: unsheathe/put away sword
If Fire2 or keyboard sword key (default right shift) is pressed then it inactivates 1 button jostick put away sword action, in the menu it is activated again.
Link below points to the new file
Az Ianna-n módosítottam, hogy 1 tűzgombos Joyjal is és 2 tűzgombos joyjal is működjön:
1 tűzgombos joy
Tűz+fel: kard kiránt (eredetileg is benne volt)
Le: kard eltesz
2 tűzgombos Joystick
Tűz2: kard ki/el
Ha Tűz2 ,vagy a billentyűzet kard gombja (alap jobb shift) lett megnyova, akkor az egy gombos joystick kard eltétel inaktiválódik, a menübe lépéskor aktiválódik újra
A lenti link frissítve.