The original version it's a Plug and Play
If you connect to the machine (via the system bus bridge), then start as Spectrum.
Just type LOAD"" (use the keyboard mapping help, it is available by the Fkeys) then load programs from tape.
With the upgraded (ISS3+4.1 ROM), the machine start normally, for the Spectrum mode need to use the :ZX EXOS command.
If you want to use floppy then needed a bus extender card, but on Tricky's Microteam card, I soldered a one expansion slot
For loading programs: download as .TAP or .TZX from the net, and copy to the standard EP disks.
Prefer the .TAP files, because these are not have a special loaders in the most of times.
And simply start the emulation via the :ZX filename.TAP/TZX command.
You also can use the LOAD/SAVE commands in Spectrum mode, if you use these, then a new window opened at the bottom of screen. At this point needed to type a standard EXOS file name for the LOAD/SAVE. For example B:\GAME.TAP
If you want to exit the emulation, then hold down the STOP key, and press once the Reset button, then you returned to the Enterprise mode.
If you press the reset without the STOP key, then Spectrum reset executed.
This is the most important informations, more will coming