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Author Topic: Beginning with BASIC (Read 4418 times)

Offline Tuby128

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Beginning with BASIC
« on: 2015.March.19. 10:50:24 »
Hello Mr. Tanner!

Imagine, I taught yesterday my girlfriend (22 yo), how to use EP to make a program. We used an old hungarian book from 1988 called "Hetedhét Enterpise" (free translation: Enterprise behind the beyond), this book was made like a fairy-tail, it teaches with sweet baby dragons playfully how to use the Enterprise, how to execute commands and make programs.
 So, after starting the machine we were learned how to tempt the EP to repeat some statement

print "Ismeteld meg amit irok" (Repeat what I write)
Ismeteld meg amit irok

Then, we were started to write the first serious program:

10 print "mi mar" (we already)
20 print "tudunk" (can)
30 print "programozni" (programming)

She learned to use F5 to clear the screen, F1 to start the program, and F2 to list it.
Then we learned, what difference does it make when the end of the command print "abc" a semicolon is used.

 At the end, there was a program with syntax errors:
10 print ez egy hibas sor (this is a not correct line)
20 prnt ez se jobb          (neither this)
30 print "ez meg rosszabb  (this is the worst)

 She noticed the first error message: "*** Variable is not initialised." She could fix the incorrect lines, and I applaud her.

Remarks: I have noticed, that she has had problem with the overwrite mode of the IS-editor. She is got used to use a PC, and nowdays the default edit mode is insert, not overwrite. I think it is very important to teach the children,that there is different kind of systems and you have to be flexible, and understand the other approach to be effective in the future life.
« Last Edit: 2015.March.19. 11:57:34 by tubybb »

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Beginning with BASIC
« Reply #1 on: 2015.March.19. 11:03:09 »
We used an old hungarian book from 1988 called "Hetedhét Enterpise"
There is the HTML versions:
First book
Second book

I really like the graphics of the Enterprise dragon!

Offline BruceTanner

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Re: Beginning with BASIC
« Reply #2 on: 2015.March.19. 11:53:00 »
Remarks: I have noticed, that she has had problem with the overwrite mode of the IS-editor. She is got used to use a PC, and nowdays the default edit mode is insert, not overwrite. I think it is very important to teach the children,that there is different kind of systems and you have to be flexible, and understand the other approach to be effective in the future life.

I must admit that nowadays the default overwrite mode drives me mad too because I am so used to insert mode! :smt013  But when everything was text mode screens, with only a block cursor, and nobody was used to screen editing, overwrite mode seemed more natural - there is no thin line to position between letters on the screen to show where the next letter will be inserted. My 6 year old daughter manages perfectly ok with overwrite mode so I think it is a learnt preference!

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Beginning with BASIC
« Reply #3 on: 2015.March.19. 12:02:00 »
And remember: at this time on MS-DOS you can not edit the command line, just delete the last character! It is later comming when can you move back the cursor and edit the command line. But still remain as line editor, not as (more than) full screen editor which is used on Enterprise. For me a very painfull experience when started using PC after than Enterprise.